Mesquite Exit 118 Interchange Artwork
Mesquite, NV United States | 2016
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The Wall Relief Sculpture, designed and created of forged and fabricated steel, was galvanized to provide long-term corrosion protection. Once galvanized, the sculpture received a base color by the galvanizer and the artist polychromed the sculpture with galvanizer supplied compatible paints.
The owner said the piece should reflect the local habitat, be aesthetically pleasing, and maintenance-free.
When the owners of a Designated Wildlife Sanctuary in Charlotte, North Carolina decided to commission a sculpture for the facility’s courtyard, they stipulated that the piece should reflect the local habitat, be aesthetically pleasing, and maintenance free.
The focal point of the wall relief sculpture is a bright, hovering hummingbird and a stand alone bird basin resonating with the wall relief, designed to contain water without causing oxidation by virtue of its protective coating of hot-dip galvanizing.
By including many of the local natural creatures as part of the sculpture, utilizing hot dip galvanizing and a duplex coating to provide the aesthetics and corrosion protection, the sculptor met all the Committee’s requirements.
Newly Complete
Charlotte, NC United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
Entire Sculpture
Steel: 1
HDG: 1
Dimitri Gerakaris
Dimitri Gerakaris, Artist / Metalsmith
Duncan Galvanizing Corp.
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