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The C&D Canal connects the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware River. One of its oldest bridges, the St. George’s Bridge built in 1941, accommodates 11,000 vehicles per day. After another major highway opened decades ago, the St. George’s Bridge is no longer the well-traveled bridge it once was, but it was still in need of repair on the decking and rail.
During a ribbon cutting ceremony, Philadelphia District Commander Lt. Col. Jeffrey Beeman stated the importance of quality, time, and budget. He said, “We have a saying in the Army Corps of Engineers, we safely deliver projects on time and within budget – we don't always hit all four of those. We prioritize safety and quality because that's what everybody remembers. But we really nailed all four on this project”. Time was an important aspect of this project, as one local business owner stated that the bridge closure had cost him thousands of dollars of revenue during the renovation.
Speaking to the longevity of the bridge and its future, State Senator Nicole Poore said, “It is now codified in legislation that this bridge will not be torn down, but instead will always be maintained for future generations.”
In April 2023, the St. George’s Bridge closed for an 18-month renovation, including work to the concrete deck, steel barrier, scuppers, drainage pipes, finger joints, and bridge railing. The purpose of the repairs is to improve the structural condition and the travel surface of the bridge. The hot-dip galvanized coating will allow these repairs to survive the east coast elements for decades to come.
The prior bridge rail and barriers were not hot-dip galvanized decades ago and were showing signs of corrosion. Due to the longevity of the galvanized coating, HDG was an easy decision for the Army Corps of Engineers. The bridge rail, which matches the light gray color of the bridge beam and local refinery plants across the canal, did not receive any paint or powder coating, as it is an aesthetic match. Although the C&D Canal is in the Mid-Atlantic region, which gets the worst of summer and winter climates, the longevity of HDG will help this bridge last many more decades.
Newly Complete
Bridge & Highway
St. George's, DE United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Initial Cost, Life-Cycle Cost
bridge rail, splice tubes, finger joints
Steel: 550
HDG: 550
Hall Industries
JD Eckman
Army Corps of Engineers
V&S Delaware Galvanizing LLC
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