Woodyard Crane
Moundville, AL United States | 1997
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A number of factors can negatively impact a poultry producers return on investment, but corrosion is probably the most serious. Corrosion can happen anywhere in the poultry operation, making it very important that preventative steps be taken. Probably the most noxious chemical created by a poultry operation is ammonia, which attacks steel that is not protected. After trying several types of paint systems and powder coating, Mitsubishi turned to HDG for the durability that was needed. Strict regulations of sanitization required these units to be pressure washed twice daily during each shift change.
Several prior meetings were required among the engineers, support teams, and production managers before the galvanizing process could begin. The galvanizer provided a solution to protect cylinder rod holes and threaded areas by masking them with silicone and a galv inhibitor. Necessary venting and drainage locations were identified, and the galvanizer provided specialized tooling to help meet the strict quality standards of Mitsubishi so production could begin. The manufacturer started with three test units prior to the twenty unit first order. Only a few minor changes needed to be addressed, then production could begin. Excellent lines of communication between the galvanizer and the manufacturer, along with the ingenuity of all parties, enhanced the production efficiency greatly. While the initial cost for HDG was competitive, the life-cycle cost of the galvanized pallet truck made it the most competitive on the market.
Designing for HDG not only provided the best corrosion protection but also improved the marketability of the Pallet Truck. For poultry production, the constant wash-down and abrasive conditions are less noticeable since the HDG coating can withstand scratches and scrapes, and can be used for battery wells and fork weldments. Applications also include other types of food processing, tanning, pickling or oilfield brine operations.
Newly Complete
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Houston, TX United States
Coating Durability, Life-Cycle Cost
Lift forks, chassis, pull rods, and load wheel linkage.
Steel: .5
HDG: .5
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America
AZZ Galvanizing - Houston
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