Fairport Lift Bridge
Fairport, NY United States | 2021
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The 2 Lowell Bridges by The Riverwalk, in Lowell, Massachusetts, has grown a half-mile riverwalk extension (Phase 2) where walkers, cyclists and runners are able to travel past the remaining section of the Boott Mills; go under the John E. Cox Bridge on Bridge Street and past the Massachusetts Mills.
Both bridges' major components were hot-dip galvanized post-assembly and designed to match the dimensions of the galvanizer's kettle dimensions.
What was interesting with Phase 2's components was getting to work with the architects in designing whole components that were built to the galvanizer's kettle's dimensions! What a novel concept! It shipped to the galvanizer as components with 44 ton - structural bridge framing for a prefab 75' and 155' pedestrian bridge over both Concord River Greenway Pedestrian Bridges renovations and accessibility improvements. One being curved to account for the different trail’s direction and one clean cross over the Concord River.
"The river is so critical to many of the communities in Lowell. The stretch, although small, is extremely complicated, but it’s going to be awesome. One of the things that COVID has shown us is how important being outdoors is to people.” said Celeste Bernardo, Lowell National Historical Park superintendent who now also has a new title: Acting Deputy Regional Director for the National Park Service, Interior Region 1.
Newly Complete
Excellence Award Winners
Duplex Systems
Recreation & Entertainment
Lowell, MA United States
Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Sustainability
Entire Bridge Components
Steel: 44
HDG: 44
Bridge Brothers
Blue Atlantic Fabricators
Duncan Galvanizing Corp.
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