7th Ave LRT Refurbishment - Phase I
Calgary, AB Canada | 2005
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Connecting 9 convention facilities and 8 major resort hotels, over 375 tons of hot-dip galvanized angle braces and beam support steel was used to construct this urban, state-of-the art transportation system.
Hot-dip galvanizing was an easy choice to provide the corrosion protection.
Having used galvanized steel on previous projects, the architects conducted an in-depth engineering analysis to determine that galvanized steel was initially less expensive than paint. Coupled with the fact that the other primary driver on the project was to have a maintenance-free system, hot-dip galvanizing was an easy choice to provide the corrosion protection. Specific to this project, the galvanized steel blended will with the concrete support structure, involved no complicated paint specifications, and was flexible with delivery to the site, often being expedited in a moments notice.
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