Montgomery Lock & Dam
Toronto, OH United States | 2001
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This portion of the Clackamas Hydro Project is a two phase project whos ultimate goal is to safely insure a 97% survival rate for wild fish attempting to complete their life-cycle journey with minimal human disturbance.
This first phase of the project includes human access ways, supporting structures for human access and fish divertor lines, fish divertor flow control station, debris filtration, and overflow control into the existing historical flues built for transport of wild fish.
This portion of the project is the critical support structure, maintenance system, and effluent portion of the next phase which will be a 60 x 160 x 27 Floating Surface Collector. This device will generate attractant water that will attract wild fish who are attempting to complete their migration downstream. This device will float on the surface of the North Fork Reservoir above the North Fork Dam. It will safety use pumps to attract downstream migrating juvenile fish into the newly completed transport pipe and convey through the dam and safely travel 7 miles down stream where they will be released to continue their migration downstream. As noted above the project aims to improve fish passage and environmental conditions of the river.
Hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel was specified for the walkways, support platforms, handrails, pump stations, flow control platforms, access ladders, debris filtration support structure and railing, access port and pivot point for Floating Surface Collector, debris overflow divertor, and extensive steel grating. HDG uses natural zinc to protect the steel. Zinc is already found in the water and there is no concern with runoff exceeding permitted levels. Hot-dip galvanized steel will help protect these structures from the harsh environment and ensure the safe transport of smolt for years to come.
Newly Complete
Electrical, Utility & Communication
Water & Marine
Temperate Marine
Estacada, OR United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Life-Cycle Cost, Sustainability
Walkway support platforms, handrails, pump stations, flow control platforms, access ladders, debris filtration support structure and railing, access port and pivot point for Floating Surface Collector, debris overflow divertor, and extensive steel grating.
Steel: 150
HDG: 133
Alex Brown
Transco Industries
Natt McDougal
Zinkpower USA - Portland
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