Paso Fino Horse Sculpture
Micanopy, FL United States | 2019
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Art by its very definition is “a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination.” Well, Mr. Ureta actually combined the two with his skills in iron working and his artistic imagination when creating the Arabian beauty made from galvanized cable wire.
We hope he lands somewhere many people will admire him.
Mr. and Mrs. Ureta have been creating art on the sides of their own careers as Innovation Sculptures LLC for going on 10 years. They create their very own masterpieces from scrap metal. The horse was created by combing Mr. Ureta’s career as an Iron worker and his creative artistic talents. As an iron worker, Mr. Ureta has seen plenty of galvanized pieces so he was curious to see the finish on his newly created wire horse.
Although the piece currently resides in their art collection at home, many have viewed, admired and loved the horse. With the hope that he eventually lands somewhere many people will appreciate him. Carefully created, detailed inch by inch, the galvanizing brought the horse to life and turned out stunning for all to admire for years and years to come.
Newly Complete
Mesa, AZ United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG
The horse was created with steel cable wire and the entire horse was galvanized.
Steel: 1
HDG: 1
Mr. Ureta
Innovation Sculptures LLC.
AZZ Galvanizing - Arizona
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