Center for Great Apes
Wauchula, FL United States | 2010
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The Scott Family Amazeum Children's Museum was built to combine fun and functionality by executing a design featuring interactive indoor and outdoor learning spaces. The construction project features approximately 50,000 square feet of indoor exhibits and a one-acre outdoor learning space, which has exposed steel throughout. The outdoor play-scape offers guests unstructured open-ended play that encourage connections with nature's wonders throughout, including full-body play and physical development.
Hot-dip galvanizing provides a low maintenance, durable and cost-effective product.
When designing this space, the Scott family felt it was important to have an eco-friendly, green Amazeum. This environmentally-friendly area includes rain gardens, natural day lighting, bioswales, and geothermal cooling system all of which utilize hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel, a sustainable corrosion protection system. Upon the entrance to the museum, there are several large steel pipe support structures, which are not only exposed to the elements, but also thousands of young children. The architect knew many children would be touching these pipes and wanted additional durability with little maintenance cost to keep the structure visually appealing for many years. Hot-dip galvanizing these steel structures ensures they will provide the necessary durability with little or no maintenance, and add to the overall sustainability of the project.
Although hot-dip galvanizing can provide unmatched corrosion protection, some areas also had paint applied as an aesthetic finish. With a coating hardness greater than steel alone, hot-dip galvanizing provides a low maintenance, durable and cost-effective product. And the durable, scratch-resistant zinc coating will provide additional protection in the event the paint is scratched. The double layer protection of the duplex system will ensure the Amazeum retains its aesthetics and stays corrosion free.
Newly Complete
Building & Architecture
Duplex Systems
Bentonville, AR United States
Aesthetics, Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG, Sustainability
Large entry pipe supports, U-Shaped brackets to connect wood structure, I beams, Channels, Angles, louvers for windows lights outside, Structure that holds glass,
Steel: 45
HDG: 45
All Steel Construction
Haizlip Studio of Memphis, TN
Nabholz Corporation
AZZ Galvanizing - Arkansas
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