Pyrmont Road Bridge Rehab
Lewisburg, OH United States | 2020
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The Fairport Lift Bridge was originally constructed in 1913-1914. Restoration of the historic bridge took nearly two years, in July of 2021, the bridge was reopened to traffic. The 114 year old bridge is composed of machinery unique to its rich history. When built, the traffic from cargo ships was much heavier than that of vehicular traffic, as such- the bridge remained in the upright position until a vehicle came to cross and required it be lowered. Now that there is much heavier vehicular traffic than cargo, the opposite positioning of the bridge can be found. The bridge was originally set to open in 2020 but faced complications and delays related to supply chain issues during the coronavirus pandemic.
“This restoration of a one of a kind, set of components and machinery, unique to this historic bridge ensures that future generations will be able to experience the Fairport lift bridge, the Erie Canal, for decades to come."
This historic bridge restoration required the fabrication and hot-dip galvanizing of 77 Tons of steel and took 22 months to complete. The total weight of this bridge is about 345 tons and is lifted by the power of a 40 horsepower motor. Hot-dip galvanizing was chosen for this bridge due to coating durability and long lifetime cycle. This bridge is expected to continue to hold an interest with both historians and future generations who will utilize it. Each end of the bridge also has a staircase so that pedestrians can cross the bridge when it is raised.
Newly Complete
Bridge & Highway
Fairport, NY United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Life-Cycle Cost
Beams, Angles, Plates
Steel: 77
HDG: 77
Hohl Industrial
V&S New York Galvanizing, LLC
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