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Tasked with replacing an end-of-life 72 kV Substation, the Water Security Agency chose to maximize the use of hot-dip galvanized components in its new substation for the East Side Pump Station.
Taking a substation outage to repair paint and coatings is a non-starter. Hot-dip galvanizing is cost-effective, inherently durable, and will not require repair or reapplication for the life of this substation.
The East Side Pump Station was constructed in the 1960s and lifts water from Lake Diefenbaker into the M1 Canal to feed an extensive network of irrigation works in central Saskatchewan. The stations original 72 kV substation was reaching end of life and slated for replacement.
The pump station runs 24/7 during the May to October irrigation season and cannot accommodate outages for corrosion repair and re-painting. Additionally, the new substation would be built over-winter from November to April when the bitterly cold winters common on the Canadian Prairies would prevent on-site painting and coating work.
As such, the Water Security Agency worked with the design engineer - Hatch - to maximize the use of hot-dip galvanized steel on site. In total 35 tons of galvanized steel was installed which included the superstructure and framing to support the overhead conductors and high voltage equipment, as well as ancillary items such as cable tray and chain-link security fencing.
Newly Complete
Electrical, Utility & Communication
Cutbank, SK Canada
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Ease of Specifying, Life-Cycle Cost, Prior HDG Experience, Quality of HDG
All of the superstructure steel for this 72 kV substation was hot-dip galvanized. This includes the incoming gantry; overhead conductor, insulator, surge protector, and lightning protection supports; and frames to support the disconnects and metering transformers. In addition to the primary steel, also galvanized were the cable trays, step protection grids, and chain-link perimeter fencing.
Steel: 35
HDG: 35
Dymark Industries
Water Security Agency
General Contractor
PCL Construction Management
Electrical Contractor
Alliance Energy
Owner's Engineer
KGS Group
AZZ Galvanizing - Saskatoon
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