Salt Water Filter Pod
Center, TX United States | 2011
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Amerex Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of fire extinguishers and fire suppression products. When they decided to set themselves apart from the industry and their competition, they chose hot-dip galvanizing. Galvanizing was chosen because of its superior corrosion protection, longevity, and ability to withstand the rigorous and rough conditions extinguishers can be subjected to. Amerex offers a High Performance line of fire extinguishers that are designed for high hazard, frequent use, and extreme environmental applications. To provide even further protection and give them the signature red color, they decided to use a duplex system of paint over galvanized steel.
The process begins with the drawn steel cylinders being blasted to white metal, the cylinders are then hot -dip galvanized with a proprietary process to ensure outside coverage of the cylinders and superior corrosion protection, and finally the cylinders are prime-painted and finished with high gloss polyester powder paint. Amerex offers not only hot-dip galvanized cylinders, but also carriages, wheels, and has expanded to offer larger wheeled units. The combination of hot-dip galvanizing and the duplex paint system allows them to offer a 12 year warranty, the best in the industry, on their products.
These High Performance line products are subjected to the worst conditions possible from oil rigs and naval ships to marine and military applications. The galvanizing of these cylinders ensures they will be protected from corrosion in the extreme environment in which they are used. The metallurgical bond and intermetallic layers provide unbeatable sacrificial protection to the base steel, allowing the peace of mind that even if the paint is affected, the galvanized coating will still provide the needed protection for the steel cylinders.
Newly Complete
Duplex Systems
Original Equipment Manufacturing
Steele, AL United States
Coating Durability, Corrosion Performance, Life-Cycle Cost
Fire Extinguisher Bottles, Carriages, and Wheels.
Steel: 133
HDG: 133
Amerex Corporation
Valmont Coatings - Birmingham Galvanizing
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